Jan 24, 2022

Aru and City of Gold..... just coz I like YA

 It is hard for me to NOT like a story about fantastical quests, teenage turmoil, magic and family drama. And when the family is linked to Mahabharat and Pandav, dealing with all known Hindu Mythological beings, the like factor just jumps the barometer for sure.

This isn't first of Roshani Chokshi's books I read. Her short stories based on Hindu mythology had been few of the most engaging reads I had picked up in last couple of years. Her views and manner of spinning the tales that features things / being I've known for my whole life.... its refreshing. Challenging too, coz it forces me to broaden my viewpoint on these beings.

Aru Shah is a wonderful series. To say I've devoured them when I got my hands on them is not too wrong. City of Gold is everything its predecessors were. Fun, interesting, engaging and a little predictable (only coz I know the flow of Mahabharat and was expecting the twist at the end)

But if you are young and have not seen/read Mahabharat; and are inquisitive of Indian Mytho; give this one a try. It will most definitely pique your interest.

Happy Reading

The lost apothecary.... a great way to find ...


I finished it in 2 days.... that should tell you how good it was. 

I've always admired the female friendships. Last few years, I was fortunate enough to form a few of my own. These are the type of friendships that build you up when you are not sure of your own mind. This isn't to say that the book is 'about' female friendships. The book a wonderful journey into self discovery and a rather interesting thriller.

It is hard to categorize the book as women's fiction but it is harder to mark it as just a thriller either. It takes the reader on a journey where you get to ask yourself.... "What exactly am I doing for myself" Its a story that makes you stop and think about your choices and your view about your own life. Makes you ask, is your life stable? or stagnant?

I found the book interesting, engaging, thrilling and beatific. It made me ask and then find some really interesting answers about my own situation.

I hope you find them for yourself too.