You know what I miss, Cam? The silliest of things. Watching the three of you argue over something. There were times when your mother and I thought you'd bicker us crazy, but I miss that now. And early morning fishing when the sun just starts to burn off the mist over the water. I miss teaching. I miss seeing that look on a student's face when something you say, just one thing, clicks and opens the mind. I miss pretty girls in summer dresses and lying in bed at three o'clock in the morning listening to rain on the roof.
Then he turned his head and smiled. His eyes were as bright and as brilliantly blue as the sweatshirt had once been. "you should appreciate those things while you have them, but you never do. Not all the way. Too busy living. Now and again, you dhould try to stop to appreciate the little things. They'll build up if you do"
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